BCAA: When to take them?

BCAAs are widespread food supplements in the Bodybuilding sphere and fitness. Used for facilitate muscle growth And Improve recovery, athletes praise the effects of these branched chain amino acids. But When to take them For maximum efficiency? 

BCAAs can be taken in Dry or mass gain period. As to Best time of the day, they consume before, during or after training Depending on the effects sought in priority. 

Tibo inshape bodybuilding


What are BCAAs? 

THE Bcaa, or branched-chain amino acid, are a set of three essential amino acids found in humans: the leucine, there valine, And isoleucine.

These amino acids are essential because the body cannot produce them naturally: they must be brought via food or food supplements. This is also the case with lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, thréonine, tryptophan, and histidine in some cases. We count 9 essential amino acids Of the 20 present in humans. 

BCAAs are bought in the form of diluting powder, of tablets or capsules : Choose the galenic that suits you best and that is most practical for you! 

Besides, you will find Leucine/valine/isoleucine ratios Different depending on the products: no, it's not to confuse your mind. Each amino acid has a different role and according to your goals, choosing this or that ratio will have an impact on the desired efficiency. But what are the roles of these amino acids? 

  • Leucine : it contributes to the blood sugar regulation, growth and repair of muscle tissues and bone, to the production of growth hormones. Leucine also prevents the degradation of muscle proteins after each solicitation of the muscles. 
  • Isoleucine : It helps stimulate immune function and participates in the secretion of several hormones. It is also necessary for the hemoglobin formation and the regulation of blood sugar and energy levels. 
  • Valine : she plays a role in the proper maintenance of Cognitive functions and on muscle coordination. 


When to consume BCAA? 

BCAAs being amino acids used for the manufacture of proteins, they indirectly help to maintain andIncrease in muscle mass weight training practitioners. This is their main function! 

They are also useful for Fight against body aches and facilitate muscle recovery after training by participating in the protein synthesis, and so Anabolism

BCAAs also bringenergy to the body To endure the sports session! By becoming a source of energy that can be mobilized during training, you can give the best of yourself. 

SO When to consume them ? In mass gain or in dry

Both are possible! Since these are protein components, BCAAs have their interest in gaining mass as for muscle dryer. 

They do not bring carbohydrates and superfluous lipids, which makes them ideal for dry. In addition, by facilitating the synthesis of proteins, which themselves maintain the mass of muscles, you Limit muscle cast iron due to the decrease in daily caloric contribution. 

BCAAs participate in Increase muscle mass, which is the desired effect during a mass gain: so they can be used during this period. 

YOU Start in bodybuilding ? Do not panic, these food supplements are not reserved exclusively for experts. 


What is the best time of the day to take its BCAA supplements? 

This is the question that surrounds the taking of BCAA: should you take its food supplements before, during, or after training ? Sorry to disappoint you: there is no perfect timing! The effects are substantially the same regardless of the exact moment of taking, and there are no scientific studies that indicate that a moment is better than another. Anyway, it is around training You have to consume these supplements. But if you want to best optimize the effects of BCAAs, here are the points to take into account to choose the ideal consumption time for you: 

  • taking before training : This moment is privileged by people who have not consumed protein in the hours preceding the sports session. In this case, the action of amino acids provides energy and reduce muscle fatigue. In this case, remember to consume your BCAA in the half hour before your training.

  • taking during training : It is more suitable for consumption in the form of diluted powder in a drink. He is pretended to be positive effects especially to reduce fatigue during training.
  • taking after training : weight training practitioners tend to think that BCAAs allow more to promote good muscle recovery and a limitation of aches. 

Otherwise, you can also spread out consumption : take half of your BCAA before training and the rest after training, drink your BCAA shaker along the session and finish it after leaving the gym, etc. 


How to take your BCAA?

Knowing when to take your BCAA is good, but also knowing how to take them is even better! 

Remember that these are food supplements and that they must be taken as part of a suitable, balanced and varied diet. Sometimes simple diet is enough to meet all BCAA needs by consumption of protein. However, in the case of a regular and intensive sport, a supplementation Maybe a good solution. You can also take whey protein To complete your daily contribution. 

For a better efficiency, it is advisable to follow some rules concerning the taking of BCAA: 

  • take the right dose ! No need to take more BCAA than necessary, follow the manufacturer's recommendations. 
  • Be regular : A BCAA taking does not take place in cure but throughout your sports practice. Also remember to take them on rest days.