Fat burner and dry: benefits, efficiency, danger

Far from muscle massage, the dryer is often feared by bodybuilding practitioners: less energy, decrease in calories, downward performance ... Losing fat without losing muscle is not always an easy task. Fat burner are often represented food supplements to help at the sportsman's period. What are its benefits ? Do they really work for dry?

A fat burner, what are we talking about? 


They are found under the name of “fat burners”, the fat burneR are found in all sports nutrition shops, with a promise: Facilitate fat loss. Until then, nothing mysterious. They present themselves in various forms, whether in tablets, powder or even in the form of oral bulbs, and their mode of action varies according to the active components which they contain.

No, They are not made only for people on the diet But they would be just as interesting for fitness and muscular rooms. 

Regarding the alleged action mechanism, there is not one: one cannot make generality. We therefore tend to classify them in four distinct categories: 

  1. Lipotropes : They specifically target adipocytes, which are the fat cells of our body. They break down fatty acids into an energy source immediately usable by cells and the whole body. A well-known example of lipotropic is L-Carnitine.
  2. Thermogenics : They consist in increasing the body temperature, which results in an increase in the body's caloric expenditure. They are found in particular in foods such as coffee, green tea, guarana, all products containing caffeine, or those spicy. 
  3. Hunger modulators : They play on food sensations by reducing appetite, whether by acting on the hormones of satiety or by influencing the feeling of satiety in the stomach. These products are therefore not direct fat burners, but rather appetite suppressants, and are mainly used in diets. 
  4. THE diuretics : Although they are not fat burners in the strict sense, they act on water retention in the body, which can influence the overall physical appearance, in particular by reducing water retention, the aqueous cellulite and the impression of swelling.

What are the benefits for muscle dryer? 


Whether it is to simply lose weight or for a muscle dryer, the benefits of these fat burner are the same: Promote fatty loss without touching muscle mass. 

If the efforts in the room and on the plate are the most important, the fat burner can help you Increase your metabolism to rest And help you burn more calories. Generally caffeined, this also allows you to have a renewed energy if it is taken around the sports session. 


Are they effective? 


You cannot say of all fat burners that they are effective in advance, as the action mechanisms and assets that are used in the products are different. 

Each assets must be analyzed in each fat burner to determine whether or not they are useful in the context of a muscle dryer. So let's take the most famous assets: 

  • caffeine : she has already been interesting to promote the oxidation of fats at rest and during a low intensity activity, and would act in particular on the increase in thermogenesis. Studies have also shown direct action on lipolysis.

  • Green tea : It would act first thanks to the caffeine it contains, just like Guarana or cola nut. But scientific research shows other interesting active compounds for fatty loss. This is the case with catechins, including the Gallate d'Epigallocatechine.

  • L-carnitine : Naturally present in the body, this amino acid transports fatty acids to mitochondria so that they are degraded and used by the body as energy. Carnitine is therefore essential to burn fat. In the form of a complement, it could increase theUse of fatty acids as energy during exercise rather than glucose. 

Green tea, caffeine in general, and carnitine are good fat burner that can be used during muscle dryer. Other components such as capsaicin in the pepper and peppers is also renowned for its effects on thermogenesis and oxidation of fat. 


What are their side effects? 

THE fat burner are likely to induce Adverse effects when taken too much dose. 

Their potential unpleasant effects are generally linked to the presence of caffeine. Like coffee, the rebounded caffeinated supplements can cause Insomnia, headache, hypertension or anxiety. 

But if you respect the dose recommended by the manufacturer and your consumption of energy and exciting drinks is limited, there is little risk that you will feel undesirable effects. 

Are fat burners dangerous? 

No, fat burners are not dangerous for health, from the moment they are used correctly. 

No need to empty your pot of food supplements in the hope of having faster results on the dryer. This is ineffective and bad for health.


Fat burners for dry: how to use them? 

For Make your muscle dryer, it is not enough to take a fat burner once from time to time and let the magic operate. A balanced and in good quantity diet as well as a sporting activity carried out with intensity are the basics of any success of muscle dryer. 

Regarding the fat burner, Be sure to consume them regularly, even on rest days. Avoid taking them around bedtime to limit the risk of insomnia and promote their taking close to training to benefit from the boost offered by caffeine.