Omega 3 in bodybuilding: benefits and dosage

The benefits of omega-3 has been praised for years. Cardiovascular health, morale action and to limit inflammation: they have supposed positive effects on health. But what about omega-3 consumption at the sportsman? What are the advantages to take it for bodybuilding? Which dosage to respect? 

Omega 3: What is the role of these essential fatty acids? 

Among the macronutrients, we know carbohydrates, proteins and ... lipids. Omega-3s are part of this last large family. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are known in three forms: 

  • L'Alpha acid, linolenic (ALA), found mainly in plants; 
  • L'Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the main omega-3 from fish,
  • L'Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

ALA is the only one of these essential omega-3, that is to say that it must be brought by food and that the body does not make it. EPA and DHA are produced by the body but in insufficient quantities. 

Omega-3 are constituents of cellular membranes : they participate in their training and their balance. This is above all the case at the neural level, which makes them essential to nervous system development, with their role in the renewal of neural sheaths. Some studies show that they would have an interest in Mental Health as well as Cognitive capacities (memory and concentration) and that a deficiency could have negative effects. 

Omega-3 also have a close link with the cardiovascular health.

Omega-3s are already recognized as contributing to a normal vision (from 250 mg of DHA per day), a normal blood pressure (from 3 g of EPA and DHA per day), to the normal concentration of triglycerides in the blood (from 2g of DHA per day), and to a normal heart function (from 250 mg of EPA and DHA per day)

Why supplement omega-3 for health? 

If the Omega 3 are well known to the public, it is the same for omega-6 and omega-9 (found in olive oil). 

Omega-6s are also considered essential fatty acids, in the same way as the ALA. But these omega are at the heart of a problem of modern food. Indeed, to participate in good health, the consumption of fatty acids must respect a Ideal ratio : 1 omega-3 for 5 omega-6.

The problem ? Today's meals would push to eat 10 to 30 times more omega-6 than omega-3. This general imbalance could be associated with a greater risk of pathologies

To reduce this gap, two solutions: reduce its consumption of omega-6 and increase that of omega-3, within the limits of nutritional recommendations (about 1.6 g of ALA/J for women and 2 g for men). 

If food is not enough to reach this omega-3 consumption, it is possible to consider the making food supplements

What are the benefits of omega-3 in bodybuilding? 

Omega-3s are integral parts of membranes and act both on cardiovascular health and in neuronal level. So they have Benefits for the sportsman : which ?


  • Strengthening muscle functions

There are no real scientific evidence today that the consumption of omega-3 supplements directly promotes muscle massage. Nevertheless, this does not mean that omega-3s are devoid of interest in muscle function

Indeed, studies have shown that the sufficient taking of omega-3 would have an effect on Neuromuscular activity increasing the strength of the muscles during training as well as reactivity on certain exercises. Whether for bodybuilding or cross-training, an omega-3 contribution is a solution to strengthen its muscle functions. 

Another one study Carried out on rugby players has shown profits from omega-3 to the Lower muscle fatigue, and the maintenance of theexplosiveness of movements, thus contributing to sports performance. 

  • An optimized mental state for better performance 

Omega-3s have an interest in mental health. Even if new scientific research is necessary, omega-3 effects have already been shown on the brain, playing on Mood and stress. 

However, better mood is generally associated with increased motivation, and best performance, No ? 

  • Better recovery 

According to some studies, the sufficient taking of omega-3 would allowmitigate muscle pain appearing after exercise. A study In particular showed a reduction in this muscle fatigue 48 hours after plyometry exercises. New results are nevertheless necessary. 


  • Omega-3 for cardiovascular protection 

The link is close between cardiovascular health and omega-3 consumption. The latter participate in the decrease in blood pressure, limit the amount of triglycerides in the blood, promote the blood flow and help the good health of the arteries. A good point for a bodybuilding, No ? 

What dose of omega-3 for bodybuilding practitioners? 

THE Recommended doses of omega-3 (recommended nutritional intake) are between 2 to 3 g per day. It is estimated that it takes approximately 1% of total energy intake ALA, or about 2 g for a man eating 2000 calories per day. 

Regarding theEPA and the DHA, it is advisable to consume 250 mg of DHA and 250 mg of EPA daily. 

These contributions include nutrients found on your plate and in food supplements. These needs do not differ for high-level athletes, and especially in bodybuilding. 

Complements ofOmega 3 Inshape nutrition bring you 700 mg of omega-3 And are therefore perfectly compatible to complete a balanced diet. 

There more important omega-3 taking on a daily basis shows no positive effect on health.